Sunday 30 November 2008

Opinions vary on Darling's budget delivery

BOROUGH politicians have reacted with differing opinions on the government's pre-budget report, announced by chancellor Alistair Darling yesterday.

Thurrock Labour MP Andrew Mackinlay welcomed the report as real help for people and business through tough times but his rival at the next election, Conservative candidate Jackie Doyle-Price said: "The government is playing roulette with the British economy and British taxpayers are in for a huge bill. "Let's be frank, a £20bn package of tax cuts to be funded by £40bn of tax rises in future is a pretty poor deal for Britain's hard pushed working families. "We can all look forward to higher National insurance in order to fund Gordon's spending spree."

Mr Mackinlay said: "Given the worldwide forces hitting the UK economy nationally and locally, I welcome the Chancellor's budget proposals today – which means real help homeowners, to protect jobs and businesses.

"I especially welcome the special payment to all pensioners in Thurrock of £60 on top of the Christmas bonus of £10. Families of disabled children will also receive this extra cash boost.

"All families in Thurrock will benefit from the increase in Child Benefit which will start straight after Christmas.

"And the huge cut in VAT will provide a welcome boost to the economy locally.

"In the 80's and 90's the Tory answer to a downturn was to turn their backs on families and businesses. It is the Labour government that is taking action and offering real help through the tough times."

He went on to detail the impact in Thurrock, saying: "Locally this means:
"4,640 pensioners in Thurrock constituency benefit from a rise in the Pension Credit – up to £130, over and above the rise you would normally see (and rising to £198.45 for couples).
"15,875 families will benefit from a rise in the Child Tax Credit – the £25 increase in the Child Element is being brought forward from (total of £75 above indexation April to April).
*28,170 children will gain from the rise in Child Benefit (now rising to £20 a week for the 1st child, and to £13.20 a week for other children) – an increase the Government is bringing forward from April to January 2009.
"The annual Christmas Bonus of £10 will be increased to £60 – a one-off seasonal payment going to 15 million people including 12.5m pensioners and recipients of Incapacity Benefit, Disability Living Allowance, Carer's Allowance and Bereavement Benefit.

"And 16,800 local people in Thurrock will be receiving their Winter Fuel Payments at the moment – as announced at Budget 2008, an extra £100 on top of the regular £300 payment for over-80s households, and an extra £50 on top of the regular £200 payment for over-60s households.

However, Ms Doyle-Price remained unvoncinced, saying: "Like anyone who has overspent on their credit card knows - spending is the easy part - paying back is painful. Gordon's pay back plan won't kick in until 2011 - conveniently after a General Election. "Don't be fooled - this budget is all about saving Gordon Brown's skin. Britain's taxpayers simply cannot afford this Labour Government any longer."

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