Wednesday 31 December 2008

Thurrock End Of Year Poll Round Up

Who will you vote for in 2010 Council Elections

British National Party (44%)
Conservative (43%)
Labour (7%)

Which Councillors do you believe are genuine and not motivated by Greed

Emma Colgate (BNP) (41%)
Danny Nicklen (CON) (8%)
Yash Gupta (LAB) (6%)

Which wards in Thurrock are being let down by the Council

Grays Thurrock (45%)
Grays Riverside (27%)
Tilbury Riverside (18%)

Which Political Party is The Thurrock Gazette Biased in Favour Of?

Labour Party (88%)
Conservative Party (6%)
British National Party (2%)

Are Thurrock Councillors Overpaid

No (77%)
Yes (22%)

Should the Tories Close Chadwell Primary School?

Yes (67%)
No (32%)

Are you happy that Thurrock Tories are trying to turn the area into the London Boroughs of Hackney & Brixton?

No (64%)
Yes (35%)

Do you agree with the BNP who think that Yash Gupta and his TRUST organisation are Racists?

Yes (87%)
No (12%)

Which of the following history weeks do you think Thurrock People should celebrate at the taxpayers expense

None of them (76%)
White History (17%)
All of them (5%)

If you had Black or Asian neighbours living either side of you, would you consider moving?

No (72%)
Yes (27%)

Which Political Party are responsible for secretly distributing the anti BNP smear leaflets under the name of Searchlight & Hope Not Hate

Labour (91%)
Conservatives (8%)

Is Thurrock mayor John Everett worth £20,000 of the taxpayers money?

Yes (72%)
No (27%)


  1. nice to see an honest poll for a change.

  2. digger dave chadwell15 January 2009 at 04:23

    anon they missed of the most useless councillor vote for some reason perhaps that should be published. i voted for caravan or whatever her name is

  3. "anon they missed of the most useless councillor vote for some reason perhaps that should be published. i voted for caravan or whatever her name is"

    It was decided that the best councillor and worst councillor polls were almost duplicate in nature.

    We kept the best councillor poll as you can deduce who is the worst by looking at who polls the least votes.


  4. anonymous signed ED. if the best councillor vote and the worst councillor vote were the duplicate by posting the best councillor you have also posted the worse councillor. If we used your idea of who got the least votes in a poll of who is the best makes them the worse, then the councillor who got the least in the worse councillor poll would be the best.
