Friday 26 September 2008

Gerard Rice's shame over using school as political football

BNP Councillor Emma Colgate has explained to Councilwatch as to why she abstained from the vote on the future of the Chadwell st Mary primary school.

"I talked to a big group of the teachers and mothers after the meeting
and explained my decision and pointed out the following.

The Conservatives have said they are looking at closing the school next year but I believe that they should be looking at the schools progress and making a decision based on that.

The Labour group have jumped on this and turned it into a political point scoring competition.

Labour councillor Rice had the chance to make a real difference in the chamber by putting a motion forward asking the Conservatives to look at the case with an open mind with the possibility of keeping the school open. Instead of this Cllr Rice decided he would use his powers to put a mention in that would have had the members vote to acknowledge that the conservatives were at fault and were a failing group.

Cllr Rice knew that this motion would fail as no Conservative cllr would realistically vote in favour of such an admission and even if it had been passed it would not have affected the outcome of the school.

I decided I would not be part of this obvious political battle and instead will be doing all I can to help the school and will work with anyone of any political background to help the parents and staff at the school."


  1. All that bullshit Neil Speight wrote about Emma Colgate in his bograg turns out to be fantasy press again.

    As can be seen in Emma's statement, she takes the school's closure seriously ,not political games like the other parties are playing.

    God bless you emma, your the only one it seams that's truthful and has the chadwell kids wellbeing really at heart.It's our kids futures we are on about here.

  2. I wonder if the cigar smoker in the cartoon is Gerard Rice£££

  3. What a load of tosh, Colgate is not interested in the school or the parents she is no different to all the others. All she want is to try and recruit more support to get her cronies in place. All Rice wants is to get his name in the papers again on the back of the kids. I moved my two out of this school because they were learning nothing and they are well happy at their new school.
