Monday 29 September 2008

Labour party vandals hit Tilbury Riverside ward

As if the Borough isn't suffering enough from the affects of vandalism and graffiti then we now have Thurrock Labour Party and their supporters defacing parts of the Borough in their drive to get noticed.

These pictures were taken in the viccinity of Hume Avenue, Tilbury.

Car owners are being advised to be alert because the glue on the stickers is known to damage the paintwork.

This vandalism occured just round the corner from Labour Councillor and Council Taxpayers Sponger Lynn Worrall who lives at 41 Kelvin road.


  1. She'd better not put one on my car.

  2. This is typical of Labour councillors in Tilbury. They ignore the graffiti thats already there because they're only interested in what they can ponce off of the rest of us. It's only black people now that can't see through them.


  3. Years and years of Labour councillors in tilbury. Labour MP for years but where's it got Tilbury?

    In the words of the three Tilbury Labour councillors "" the most rundown part of thurrock if not the southeast"".

    Quiet a damaging statement about themselves, so vandalisium is a small thing for them.
